Thursday, October 31, 2019

W.L. Gore and Associates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

W.L. Gore and Associates - Essay Example The term, "employee" is not used at Gore, but associate. There are no bosses, directors or secretaries, but small teams where people know each others strengths and weaknesses. This can be a difficult situation to adjust to for new hires from traditional companies. When Diane Davidson was hired due to her fifteen years of experience a sales executive she did not know what to do without a boss dictating her actions. She was informed that her team was her boss because she would not want to let them down. Everyone is the boss and no one. (Deutschman, 2004). The philosophy is to nurture talents like Davidson's by allowing the natural abilities of people to emerge in an environment that encourages new ideas. The new hire is assigned a sponsor who is a mentor, not a supervisor. Leadership should develop naturally relative to each new project and leaders need to also be followers as necessary. This associate culture can take up to six months to learn and that is expected. The new hire might feel strange not contributing when the rest of the team is, but getting to know the other members is vital to this strategy. The representative of Gore's human resources team states that the power behind the associate culture is to encourage people to believe in their potential and in their contributions to the team effort (Moore, 2006). W.L.Gore manufactures a wide range of products that include the w... The company does not supervise the development of new inventions, but does encourage employees to spend 10% of their time on new, innovative ides-not variations on products already on the market. Self-motivation is a prime factor at Gore and the wide range of products requires the input of intelligent, creative people who must be able to work independently and with a group (Moore, 2006). As unusual as the Gore corporate structure is, the turnover rate is very low. The Sunday Times listed Gore as in the top 100 best companies for employment (McCall, 2004). Of the associates surveyed 92% said they believed that they made a valuable contribution to the company's success and 93% stated that they would miss working for Gore if they left (Doke, 2006). An important aspect of the associate culture is that it removes the cut throat type of competition generated in traditional hierarchy corporations. There one person's success often means the failure of another employee. This philosophy attracts the talent that Gore desires as it employs over 58,000 people in the United States, Britain, Scotland and Germany. The turn over rate is only 6% world wide with over 40% of associates being with Gore over five years (Dow, 2004). W.L. Gore and Associates states that they encourage hands-on innovation, involving those closest to a project in on the decision making (Gore 2006). Freedom and cooperation produce good results. Gore is willing to take risks when other companies will not leading to new and successful products like the Elixir guitar strings coated with thin plastic of protect the strings from the dirt and oil on human hands. The associate who first thought of the idea was engineer Dave Myers who designed plastic heart implants. He believed that a

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Weaknesses that Wealth Creates According to the Stories of Ernest Hemingway Essay Example for Free

Weaknesses that Wealth Creates According to the Stories of Ernest Hemingway Essay Financial abundance is perhaps the most sought-after purpose of modern men. We spend a significant part of our lifetime doing jobs and chasing profits even if it is against our own will. In the context of the money driven world, we even have a notion that money would endow us a certain sense of strength—a resounding name in literature contests that notion. Ernest Hemingway, a household name for those who appreciate literature, had written several stories that depict material wealth as a source of weakness for humanity. Moreover, in Hemingway’s multiple depictions of wealth, multiple types of weaknesses had also surfaced. To be more specific, the stories that would be used to support this argument will be coming from the collection of short stories titled â€Å"Snows of Kilimanjaro. † The three stories would be â€Å"The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber†, â€Å"Fifty Grand†, and a story of the same title as the collection, â€Å"Snows of Kilimanjaro. † The short story â€Å"The Short Life of Francis Macomber† is basically centrifugal to the relationship of Francis Macomber and his wife Margaret, who is also referred to as Margot. Francis Macomber was a wealthy man who is able to take his wife to a big-game hunt. Hemmingway had satisfyingly described the marriage of the characters â€Å"Margot was too beautiful for Macomber to divorce and Macomber had too much money for Margot. † From the previous sentence alone, the type of weakness that wealth had generated is already surfaced. Hemmingway is seemingly suggesting that wealth could leave materially rich people poor—poor in terms of love. The situation of the main characters shows us that money could even corrupt a supposedly sacred concept such as marriage. In addition to that, this kind of wealth-inflicted weakness is inline with the popular notion that money can never buy love. In â€Å"Fifty Grand,† the title immediately talks about money giving the readers a hint as to what the story will be about money. The plot was revolved around the life of an aging boxer who is preparing for his last fight. The aging boxer is aware that there is no chance for him to win against his opponent who is seemingly on his prime. He had acknowledged his own weakness and attempted to turn the tables around. Interestingly, he had placed a bet for his own opponent. He was almost sure that through losing he would end up winning â€Å"I’m through after this fight†¦I got to take a beating why shouldn’t I make money on it? † Hemmingway complicates the plot by placing two shrewd gamblers as antagonists. The antagonists had come up with a brilliant plan of making the opponent of the protagonist to hit him below the belt, making him lose his fifty grand. In this particular story, the type of weakness that wealth could give an individual is a welcomed weakness. All the characters were willing to give up their pride, conscience, and even self-worth just to gain material wealth. In some respect, wealth could strip us the things we could never buy. The characters in â€Å"Fifty Grand† were all seemingly devoid of any self-worth, especially the protagonist. In addition to that, the protagonist sees doubling his life-savings as the only way he could live a happy pot-boxing life. In one of Hemingway’s best works, â€Å"Snows of Kilimanjaro†, he had written about how wealth could ruin a writer. Through this theme, readers would easily jump to the assumption that this particular story is quasi-autobiographical. The plot talks about a writer browsing through his memories while on a safari in Africa. He was infected through a wound that he got from a thorn. The protagonist collects his memories as he was awaiting a slow and seemingly inevitable death. He had realized that his life was full of wonderful memories. However, the tragedy was he was unable to write about those wonderful memories. Instead, he had focused much on the misery that his wealthy wife had inflicted to him. The weakness that â€Å"Snows of Kilimanjaro† had talked about is that wealth could kill an individual’s passion. The protagonist’s passion for writing was gradually killed by his adaptation to the lifestyle of his wealthy wife. The protagonist had become dependent to the wealth of his wife. He refers to his wife’s wealth as â€Å"†¦your damned money is my armour. † Unfortunately, his passion for writing was sacrificed—he had failed to write about the important things, instead he had spent most of time mingling with wealthy yet uninteresting people. All in all, these three stories reveal to us Hemingway’s distaste for material wealth. It is common in the three stories that things of priceless value like self-worth and passion are being neglected when pursuing wealth. Perhaps what Hemmingway may have wanted for us to realize is that material wealth should not be pursued at all. Instead, we should give more value to the things that could never be bought. And he is seemingly suggesting that being materially wealthy just means that we had lived our lives poorly.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Regulatory Behavior Research Review

Regulatory Behavior Research Review People experience pride after an accomplishment, its experience can both encourage and discourage succeeding regulatory behavior. This conflicting influence can be accounted for by considering the information about the event that spawned the pride (i.e., appraisal information) and whether a self-regulatory goal is active. In the absence of a self-regulatory goal, appraisal information can be used to make positive assumptions about ones self-concept that reinforces further self-regulation. In the company of a self-regulatory goal, appraisal information concerning personal agency can be used to make positive inferences about a persons progress toward self-regulation that leads to indulgence. Pride is a positive self-conscious emotion that results from personal achievements. They investigated the matter by assessing how the experience of authentic pride effected regulatory behavior. They state that pride can be used to make inferences about ones self-concept or self-regulatory goal progress. Self-concept presumptions are a default response, whereas goal progress interpretations occur when a self-regulatory goal is active. Importantly, the extent of these inferences should depend on the nature of the appraisal information that led to the pride. Similarly, pride that is a consequence of personal agency should be more likely to achieve a goal progress inference than pride that is a aftereffect of another agency. The article is organized as follows, first provide an overview of appraisal-tendency theory. Next discuss the emotion-as-input perspective and its claim that the influence of emotions on behavior depends on  circumstantial factors. Then, the functionalist perspective of emotions to predict when pride will result in self-concept or goal progress will determine regulatory behavior. the type of inference that results from pride depends on the appraisal information that elicited the pride. And whether a self-regulatory goal is active or inactive. Finally, they look at the broader involvement framework for studying the effects of self-conscious emotions on behavior. Classic appraisal theories group discrete emotions based on differences, such as pleasantness, arousal, certainty, effort, agency, and novelty. The functionalist perspective builds on the appraisal-tendency. functionalist perspective assumes that emotions influence behavior as a function of a persons interaction to their environment. functionalist perspective explains how two different emotions can alter behavior, given the same response, and how two different response blueprint can change behavior, given the same emotion. through an appraisal theory lens of perspective, only appraisal information that changes the emotional experience from one emotion to another influence ensuing behavior. The researchers have come up with two supporting hypotheses (H1a, H1b) H1a H1a states in the absence of a self-regulatory goal, an experience of pride containing high effort (but not low effort) appraisal information will encourage inferences of self-discipline, inform the default response schema, and increase regulatory behavior. (SALERNO, A., LARAN, J., JANISZEWSKI, C. (2015). H1b In the presence of a self-regulatory goal, an experience of pride containing high effort appraisal. information will encourage inferences of goal progress, inform the goal-based response schema and decrease regulatory behavior. (SALERNO, A., LARAN, J., JANISZEWSKI, C. (2015). Consistent with the functionalist perspective, appraisal information will not influence all response schemata in the same way. It should be possible to employ appraisal information so the ramifications of this use are only observed when a certain response schema is available. In recognition to the default response consider appraisal information that arise. Method Participants and Design. A total of 182 undergraduate students (52% female, M age  =20.30) participated in exchange for course credit. Participants were randomly assigned to one of six conditions in a (self-regulatory goal inactive vs. active) and (emotion: no-emotion, low effort pride, high-effort pride) between-subjects design. Procedure Participants were told that there were three studies in the session, unrelated and pooled together for convenience. The first study was intended to determine peoples verbal capabilities, but truthfully it was a lexical decision task that served as the goal manipulation. Participants were told to focus their attention on a fixation point on the computer screen that would be replaced by a letter string. They were told to press nine on the keyboard if the letter string was a word and one if it was not, and to respond as quickly as possible. After five practice trials, seven target trials varied by condition. Participants in the active self-regulatory goal condition were shown words regulate, health, persistence, willpower, strive, control, virtue; participants in the inactive self-regulatory goal condition were shown neutral words as computer, flower, refrigerator, notebook, picture, silk, next. Each participant saw the target words twice, along with five filler words, and 20 non-words. The trial order was random. The Study demonstrates that the influence of pride depends on appraisal information and self-regulatory goal activation. High-effort pride increased (decreased) regulatory behavior when a self-regulatory goal was not (was) active, but low effort pride did not have an influence on the amount of regulatory behavior. These effects occurred even though a pretest confirmed that low- and high-effort pride generated an equivalent level of pride. This shows us that the appraisal information that generated the pride informed inferences about the self-concept or goal progress. One issue I saw within the article was students were given class credit to participate in the study. Although it is not frowned upon. Many students could have knowledge of that they were looking for and manipulating responses and changing data. The adverse could also be said that participants didnt care about correct responses. If they made it through to the end to achieve their credit. In closing I do believe there is a significance to the field of psychology. Pride tends to be a necessary evil for many. We are raised to take pride in all we do, a prideful person can take their pride to far and it starts to border on arrogance. Further study to determine that level of pride or how much pride until it spills over to arrogance? Could it be that mass amounts of pride/ arrogance is just personal preception? (American Psychological Assoc.) References SALERNO, A., LARAN, J., JANISZEWSKI, C. (2015). Pride and Regulatory Behavior: The Influence of Appraisal Information and Self-Regulatory Goals. Journal Of Consumer Research, 42(3), 499-514. doi:10.1093/jcr/ucv037

Friday, October 25, 2019

New Economic Imperialism Essays -- Essays Papers

New Economic Imperialism Those in power define national interests as the preservation of the existing set of economic, social, and political relationships. Therefore, the national interest of the supranational capitalist society is the interests of the upper class, allied throughout the globe. The United States capitalist class has proposed to preserve and extend U.S. capitalism by a policy of empire building to satisfy the need for large export markets that could supply cheap inputs and guarantee consumption. The road to the current economic imperial structure prevalent in international affairs is a long and complicated one. During the twentieth century the capitalist elite began forming organizations in which to formulate and implement their policies on the supranational level, most of which were founded by John D. Rockefeller based on principles developed by Cecil Rhodes. These included the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission and countless others scattered throughout the developed world. During the 1940s they began to create institutions with real power, sanctioned by nation-states, which would have the ability to implement policies on the international level, something they needed. These included the United Nations, the political arm, NATO, the military arm, and the two monetary funds created during the conference held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944: the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. It was decided international monetary instit utions were needed to â€Å"stabilize currencies and to facilitate programs of capital investments for constructive undertakings in backward and underdeveloped regions.† (Sklar 148) Corporations would float bonds guaranteed by the ... ... Subsequently, a global imperialistic strategy has developed designed to keep developing countries in a position where the West wants them. Works Cited â€Å"IMF funding system unfair – Mugabe†. Mon, 04 Jun 2001. Mohan, Giles, et al. Structural Adjustment: Theory, Practice, and Impacts. New York: Routledge, 2000. Munoru, John. â€Å"Zimbabwe: IMF Applies More Pressure†. 1999. Onimode, Bade. The IMF, The World Bank and The African Debt: The Economic Impact. London ; Atlantic Highlands, N.J., USA : Zed Books, 1989. Shaoul, Jean. â€Å"IMF Tightens The Screws on Zimbabwe†. 18 August 1999. Sklar, Holly. Trilateralism and Elite Planning For World Management. Boston : South End Press, 1980.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Campus Couture

Essentially, this will work by Campus COUtUre purchasing pieces from designers and other local and international retailers, and offering it as a rental service to our clientele. Campus Couture allows its members to search dresses by new arrivals, size, color, style, or price. We aim to offer rental services for women to attend date nights, cocktail parties, and formal events idyllically for the Western Community. Campus Couture, Inc. Was incorporated in 201 2 and is based in London, Ontario (Exhibit 1). 1. Goals and Objectives: The initial goal of Campus Couture is to present our aggregate research and analysis to generate confidence in our business model and its feasibility. Establish a Presence Within the Campus Community: Establish a consistent base of users that rely on Campus Couture's site for their semi-formal and formal wear Establish ourselves are the forerunners in designer wear for the targeted consumers Minimize Start-Up Costs: From an operations standpoint, we strive to minimize start-up costs and maximize our customer-base in the first fiscal year, while generating a constant stream of profit in later periods.Promote Website Traffic: By increasing awareness about Campus Couture, we aim to capture 15% of Westerns female population to become active members of Campus Couture, Inc. By the end of our first year of operations (Exhibit 2) Financial: Usually negative cash from operations is risky, however sometimes is necessary to get the business afloat. Breakable by the end of 2nd fiscal year. Personal Goals: $1 5,000 in drawings by the Second Fiscal Year End (2013-2014) Drawings for Campus COUtUre Board of Directors at 70% Of net income by 3rd fiscal year-end Work part-time; between 5-8 hours per week 1. Key Success Factors: Successful Market Penetration: Initial market penetration is vital for our business to prosper. As a consequence of our generally unfamiliar business concept, our marketing practices must be well-planned and innovative in order to win over our customer base. Due to the influence of word-of-mouth and social media activity amongst our target demographic, we believe that once this initial base is established, we can expect a steady increase in customer base moving forward.Trendiest and Affordability: Trendiest and affordability are key determinants of Campus Couture's success, as today's youth wants to maintain a fashionable image without the substantial expenditures associated with purchasing an outfit. Campus Couture aims to keep its product offerings current and updated adhering to the latest fashion trends. Furthermore, each rental will be a fraction of the retail cost of the dress, meaning that Campus Couture will be a practical alternative. Affordability is the keystone to our business model, and it is imperative that it is maintained.Our price model is based off of the number of times we expect each dress to be rented, thus increasing the customer base and the number of rentals. We can expect to increase inventory, while driving down rental rates in the future. 1. 4 Corporate Capabilities: Strengths: Campus Couture adheres to a unique business model and can take definitive strides to provide our members a vast selection of dresses that cater to our students and young professionals. Campus Couture has skilled personnel that are capable of handling the daily operations and logistics involved with running a rental service.They have unrivaled insight into our target market as we are Western students representing other Western students. The use of social media technology has provided Campus Couture direct access to the target market, making us trendsetters for the rising trend in economical pending habits in this post-recession era. Weaknesses: Campus Couture has limited funds, inventory and connections to the fashion industry. This makes our company more vulnerable to our competitors who possess extensive fashion expertise and large capital allowances for advertising.Our business also h as the unique task of having to overcome the negative stigma attached to renting apparel. As well, the business's success is heavily reliant on keeping up with the latest trends and appealing to the young female's fashion needs/style. A strong marketing campaign and commitment to Campus Couture's business objectives will hopefully overcome these weaknesses, as well as increase traffic to our website. Seasonality will also impact our feasibility since a large portion of our target market attends Western University but leave for the summer months. . External Analysis: 2. 1 political: As of January 201 2, students across Ontario have begun receiving $1 ,600 annually from the provincial government, as part of an initiative to lower to tuition rates. This helps alleviate the financial stresses for students and also puts more disposable income back into their pockets, thus proving that female students will have increased means to rent dresses and purchase other novelties. Transmutes' are popularizing among environmental groups. These are individuals who value non-ownership for environmental and ethical reasons.The rhetoric behind this lies in the fact that â€Å"the more people share, the fewer goods need to be produced -? and fewer resources will be used up. † Therefore, dress rentals definitely cater to those consumers who will only use something when they truly need it. 2. 2 Economic: Due to rising university tuition rates, Western students on average have less disposable income and therefore increased pressure to spend their money wisely. Statistics Canada reported in 2008 that Canadian females between 16 ND 1 9 had an average income of $7,100 whereas females between 20 and 24 earned $15,100.If a student in either age cohort had to cover living and post- secondary expenses, they would have little or no money left for other expenditures. According to Western Statistics, approximately 681 9 bursaries, accounting for roughly $1 5 million were given to studen ts requiring financial assistance. These statistics imply that many Western students are looking to economize and curb their spending habits in order to offset their debt from student loans. The population of females at Western is currently 13,990 females that have gig demand for fashionable dresses due to the ongoing social scene in London.The price of clothing has escalated in as many years due partially to increased commodity, labor, and shipping costs, as well as markups associated with name brands. Consequently, consumers are finding it increasingly difficult to appear fashion forward at a reasonable price. On average, Western undergraduate students attend 6 to 8 major events per semester. 1 Provided that we can offer our clientele high quality dresses at a reasonable price, we aspire to take advantage of this opportunity and create successful business model that aligns with the needs of price sensitive Western University female students. . 3 social: Online shopping has also re volutionized over the past decade. According to Statistics Canada, in 2007 about 8. 4 million Canadian individuals aged 16 years and older used the Internet to make almost $12. 8 billion in purchases. By 2010, 113. 8 million orders were made by 1 1 2 million Canadians with a value of $15. 3 billion. From 2007 to 2010, the percentage of online shoppers that used the Internet to purchase clothing, jewelry, and accessories rose from 29% to 36%.This positive correlation demonstrates an increasing trend of online consumers and an opportunity for Campus Couture to capture this market because a large age of these shoppers were females under the age of 30. Currently, 60% of Western students are female; this rising trend along with plans to for the University to admit larger first-year classes secures Campus Couture?s growing target audience. Overall, these conditions are very favorable for our company as there is clear evidence that our target market is steadily expanding, implying that Cam pus Couture will likely gain customers and increase profits over time. 2.Technological: Modern technological developments, like the Internet have increased the consumers access to information thus reducing time spent shopping and has made retail prices more competitive by shifting the power from suppliers to consumers. This transformation is forcing current businesses to review their current operations and marketing strategies to better accommodate consumer demands. Campus Couture believes that implementing modern information technology to target the budget-conscientious young female consumer and to fulfill their need for fashionable apparel can offer a competitive edge over our competitors. 3.Consumer Analysis: 3. 1 Market Research: In our survey (Exhibit 3, Exhibit), 63% of respondents were inclined to rent a dress while 32% indicated that the idea was not appealing to them. Many hesitated as they worried about cleanliness and unfamiliarity to the concept of dress rentals. Our res ults show that approximately 73% of respondents are either impartial, agree, or strongly agree to this concept. This indicates that if Campus Couture can successfully promote dress rentals as fashionable, economical, and sanitary to the masses, we will unleash potential for large sales volumes and high returns from this untapped market.In terms of pricing, 76% of females surveyed indicated that they would spend less than $1 00 and 55% would spend less than $70 on a dress for a special occasion, therefore implying that price is a determining factor for the typical consumer. Therefore, Campus Couture must rent out its dresses at competitive rates to appeal to a vast market In which some would prefer to purchase rather than rent. 3. 2 Target Market: Campus Couture targets young female students and professionals from the Western and London community, ages 1 8 to 25 years old, who are searching for fashionable higher-end formulae at affordable prices.Students are very social individuals, but they are also on a limited budget With pressure to dress well, they want to look great by wearing new dresses. Buying new dresses is extremely costly, which is why this demographic would be more inclined to rent. 4. Competitive Analysis: Although, there are no specific businesses that provide a similar service to either community, there are many direct and indirect competitors impeding on Campus Couture's growth potential. 4. 1 Direct: Forever XIX: With 480 locations and revenue grossing over $2. Billion, Forever XIX is extremely popular among teen and young adult females and caters to an array of different styles at great value. In terms of marketing and promotion, Forever XIX has truly capitalized with its e-commerce venture. With Forever XIX opening up at Nashville Place in March 2012, Campus Couture could foresee immense competition from this clothing retailer. Forever XIX has far greater financial means to purchase inventory and to market their product. They have the poten tial to capture a larger audience due to their variety of inventory and reasonable pricing.These factors could pose as a real threat to the success of Campus Couture. A drawback to their business model is that with lower pricing comes poorer quality. This brings out the traditional quantity versus quality debate, and Campus Couture would have to evaluate which is more important to the desired target market. Forever Xi's dresses lie in the same price range as renting from Campus COUtUre's designer ones, however online purchases incur corresponding shipping charges. SASS: SASS is a global fashion e-commerce website, located in the UK, which sells fashionable clothing and accessories internationally.With 7. 0 million registered users and 35,000 new products each season, SASS attracts a wide range of demographics, allowing the business to penetrate the global market. By offering free shipping worldwide, consumers are more likely to purchase, however there are a number of downfalls, Cana dian customers are required to pay both HAST and duties, increasing the overall cost to the consumer. This also makes international returns more difficult, as the consumer will have to pay freight for the item(s) to be returned, which could be costly.In addition, this may even hinder the company's potential for making sales, as skeptic consumers would be hesitant to order without previously seeing the quality of the clothing. The efficiency of the delivery service is essential to ensure that customers receive their products on time in order to maintain customer satisfaction. Campus Couture differs as we offer rentals for similar items, but with a limited inventory. Our inventory will focus on the needs of the London community, instead of the world market.With that said, we provide our Members the opportunity to have a personal fitting. In addition, Campus Couture will not have to bother with online payment security and delivery timings, as both will be handled in-store. And Ezra: Ou r market research relayed that H and Ezra were highly popular within our target market. Whereas, H has a flagship in London, Ezra, is only coated in Toronto. Many Western students are from the Toronto area and travel home frequently, thereby making Ezra a direct competitor. Both retailers have strong brand recognition and customer loyalty across Canada.H's business concept is to give the customer unbeatable value by offering style and quality at a reasonable price. Ezra in comparison, concentrates on quality, design, and rapid turnaround. H&M's dresses retail between $20 and $60 whereas Ezra retails its dresses for $80 based on current website pricing. One weakness both of these companies share is their lack of an online store, while Campus Couture provides its consumers with the ability to reserve dresses online and on your phone. Oftentimes, customers find an item online and by the time they get to the store, the size or color of dress may be sold out.Overall, retailers who transi tion their marketing strategy to reflect technological trends will be better equipped to handle the the needs Of the modern consumer. Boutiques along Richmond Row: Richmond Row is home to various local apparel retailers in downtown London. Regardless of our partnership with Elliot, a local boutique (Exhibit 5), they would still remain indirect competitors as similar items would be arrested to the same audience. Price is a huge factor as Elliot has sizeable profit margins for it sales, however with increased competition and lower prices for the similar goods may result in a price war. Ultimately, Campus Couture will be able to overcome this form of competition due to its offering of a fundamentally different service. 4. 2 Indirect: High-End Departmental Stores High-end department stores including Holt Renew, Anemia Marcus, and Nordstrom provide designer apparel at high costs. These department stores target an older and wealthier demographic than students, who can afford to ay high pr emiums for higher quality. While many of these high-end stores ship to Canada, the costs associated with shipping makes these pieces virtually impossible for the average student to afford.Online Flash Sales: Online Luxury Flash Sales websites such as Beyond the Rack, Net-a-Porter, and The Peacock Parade are an up-and-coming trend in today's technology- dependent world. Here, designers and retailers have their merchandise discounted between 50-70% of the original retail value. Sales are typically short (under 72 hours) and start at inconvenient times during the day. This sakes purchasing from these websites difficult and inconvenient for students with busy schedules. Flash sales have limited selection, so specific styles may not be available.Most of these websites have headquarters in the States, adding shipping costs to the original purchase price. 5. Four Up's 5. 1 Product: We offer a dress rental service in London Ontario, where consumers can browse our inventory online and reserv e dresses, then allowing them to come in before their event to try on the dress and pay for the rental. 5. 2 Placement: We chose to place our business in the North London borough because Of its rigidity to Western University and college population, who are looking for the latest trends and outfits to present themselves in.The area is known for student housing, and therefore is more convenient for them to walk to in comparison to either mall or the downtown core. We believe that being located in close proximity to campus is advantageous as there are no other clothing retailers in the area, unlike the competition we would have faced from retailers along Richmond Row or in Nashville. 5. 3 price: While finalizing our inventory, the costs associated were taken into account in order to set the rental fees.The rental price represents 30 to 35% of the original retail price, therefore we will be able to generate a return on our investment after three rentals. This value is reasonable enough that consumers would still be inclined to rent rather than purchase a dress from elsewhere. As a start-up, we did not want to take too big of a risk. Since the business concept is unfamiliar to a large portion of our demographic, high initial promotional costs are necessary to inform and penetrate the market. Afterwards, Campus Couture can rely on the social behavior of the demographic to steadily build our customer base in years to mom. . 4 Promotion: In order to reach out to our clientele, we aim to incorporate a pull strategy, using a variety of social media outlets, promotional events and incentives, and personal selling strategies in an attempt to build up consumer demand for high-end designer dress rentals. Promotional Campaign: Social Media (Exhibit 6) The 18 to 25 cohort represents the highest consumers of social networking and the Internet. Social media outlets including, Faceable has made girls more vigilant to keep up with fashion trends and to have an extensive wardrobe for every occasion.Nowadays, girls are self-conscious about rearing the same outfit repeatedly, fearful that someone might remember. Due to these societal pressures, females have resorted to online retail browsing and shopping for clothing and accessories. With Campus Couture on all major networking sites: Faceable, Twitter, and Pinsetters, we can inform our customers about the latest trends and what is new at Campus Couture, enabling our clientele to interact with us, and even see how other clients are wearing Campus Couture. This will positively influence our company's image, as one that cares about its clientà ¨le's needs before their special event.Mobile Application (Exhibit 7) Imagine Campus Couture, at your fingertips. Our mobile application can be downloaded onto your Blackberry, phone, or Android to see the latest in trends and new in-stock items, and book fittings. This will allow girls who wait until the eleventh hour to reserve a dress at any time. With that said, the mo bile application is expected to be of greatest utility to customers for those always on-the-go. It will also enhance accessibility to our catalogue and overall business, further inclining potential customers to use our service.Undoubtedly, the greatest asset we can gain by using the mobile application s ensuring Campus Couture's constant presence in customers' lives. Viral Youth Campaign With today's youth constantly viewing, posting, and sharing Youth videos all over the social media circuit, Campus Couture has the opportunity to be recognized quickly, without incurring the cost of airing pricey television commercials. By filming a video that highlights Campus Couture's brand power and competitive advantage, we can influence students to share the video.In turn, they will be personally selling Campus Couture to their social circles without even realizing that they are doing it. This will elevate inquiries, ND with proper sales training within the Campus Couture team, this will resul t in increased volumes of rentals, equating to higher gross revenue as well as a higher return on our initial investment. Print Advertising and Word of Mouth (Exhibit 8) Print advertising is a promising technique as it catches the attention of many students while walking around campus.With posters up in areas of high traffic, students will be able to familiarize themselves with Campus Couture. These advertisements will be concentrated in locations with the highest prevalence Of our target market in order to garner their attention. Launch Party: The executive of Campus Couture, Inc. Will be working closely with the George Boatswains, Resident DC of Cobra London to organize a launch party and Fashion Show on Friday September 14th, 2012. With upwards of 500 attendees, we hope to make our mark on the Western and London community by selling advance tickets to the event for $10.Advance ticket sales will be a key marketing strategy to spread word out about Campus Couture to all social circ les across the campus community. All revenues generated would be paid to Cobra London. The launch party will promote our business, while the Fashion Show will best exhibit Campus Couture's collection to the female demographic. This will be coordinated in part with Blackbirds Salon and Spas, who have donated their time and expertise into making this event a great success. Our team will be able to personally sell Campus Couture to our target market, while promoting to the masses. . Internal Analysis 6. 1 Operations: Operations will commence on September 1st, 2012 with promotions, leading up to our launch party on September 14th, inaugurating the business. In order to use the site, a customer must make an account (Exhibit 9). Members can search through different dresses by style, color, size, or price. In addition, the calendar widget displays the availability of each dress. This calendar will mark off the dates that the dress has been booked for, the size, and the event she will be we aring it to, allowing other customers to skim through dresses efficiently.This also ensures that no two people will be renting out the same dress for the same event. Once the customer has decided on a dress, they will book a fitting appointment, where Campus Couture will hold onto two sizes of any one dress for the customer, ensuring a proper fit. Once they have been fitted, the client will choose whether to proceed with the rental. Our storefront provides them access to browse through other dresses. If they choose another dress, we would ensure that it was not previously on hold for another customer and that it was clean and undamaged.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Dyslexia History of Dyslexia Dyslexia was initially termed by W. Pringle Morgan as ‘congenital word blindness’ in a medical literature in 1886. The phrase was however coined by German ophthalmologist named R. Berlin where dys is a Greek word referring to ‘difficult’ and lexus referring to ‘word’. Berlin applied the name to refer to particular difficulty in reading rather than due to visual interference.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Dyslexia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Later, James Hinshelwood implied dyslexia to be ‘congenital word blindness.’ He also detailed the condition in his 1917 monograph where he referred to the condition as â€Å"congenital deficiency of the visual memory of words† (Gilman, 2007 p.593). From his observation, the condition was more prevalent in males as compared to females although recent research has proven otherwise. In the cases described, there were lesions that were characterized by similar traits and concluded that the condition was a result of faulty development, leading to a declined processes of left angular as well as supramarginal gyri. Today, this has been asserted by current research which implicates the condition to the temporoparietal region. Additionally, the neurologist Samuel Orton examined children with difficulties to read, write or speak. He improved the idea of developmental reading disorder into â€Å"a graded series including all degrees of severity of the handicap† (Gilman, 2007 p.594). Orton appreciated the presence of comorbid developmental disorders such as speech delay, dysgraphia, repetitive language, stuttering, as well as difficulties with motor coordination. Besides, he described strephosymbolia or syllable reversals like confusing the word saw and was or d and b. he attributed strephosymbolia to deficiency in unilateral left hemisphere cerebral control for languag e rather than the traditional visual perceptual disorder. From current research, individuals with the condition apply extra bilateral cortex when reading as compared to normal ones (Richards, 1999). Definition of Dyslexia Dyslexia is defined as a â€Å"developmental disorder of the neurological system that results in a relatively selective impairment of an individual’s ability to learn to red. It is described as an unexpected difficulty in learning to red in an individual who otherwise possesses the intelligence, motivation and schooling considered necessary for accurate and fluent reading â€Å" (Gilman p. 593).Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is a learning disability, which is marked by difficulties in reading since the brain is unable to effectively recognize as well as process particular symbols. An individual’s fluency and comprehensiv eness is affected such that they have hardships while reading and spelling. Their reading standard is lower but varies with individuals. It could result from brain injury in adulthood or what is referred to as dementia. Some of the individual with dyslexia have a genetic predisposition and the condition is linked to particular genes, which predispose them. Dyslexia is managed by identifying the learning problems and teaching methods and learning conditions are changed so as to improve the symptoms that are associated with dyslexia (Leaner Kline, 2006). It is also referred to as Developmental Reading Disorder (DRD) that occurs as a result of difficulties in interpretation of language. Students with such a condition have normal intelligence and are able to understand complex tasks. Individuals with dyslexia could experience difficulties in phonology, pronunciation, and rhyming words which are essential in reading skills hence are unable to understand particular sentences. Dyslexia co uld have an impact on various functions such as visual and auditory where in the former there are difficulties with numbers and letters that could be reversed as well as difficulties in writing symbols sequentially. The latter is marked by difficulties with sounds where they are perceived incorrectly (Leaner Kline, 2006). Prevalence of dyslexia in school aged children is approximately 5 to 17 percent with differences in the sample population studied as well as criteria applied to diagnose. Prevalence is thought to be same irrespective of gender. From longitudinal studies, the condition traits shows difficulties even with improvement of reading skills. Compensatory physiological processes persist in adults who have had previous reading impairment. There are also environmental aspects like type and quantity of reading that has an effect on the results of individuals with dyslexia.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Dyslexia specifically for you for o nly $16.05 $11/page Learn More Specific language impairment (SLI) has been linked to dyslexia where in cohort of children 77 percent scored less on tests involving single word reading while 98 percent scored less on tests involving reading comprehension. Children with dyslexia are implicated with SLD in math and written expression although the highly notable cormobid is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Significantly, 20 to 25 percent of children with dyslexia have ADHD while 10-50 percent of children with ADHD have dyslexia (Gilman, 2007). Specific and systematic strategies could effectively manage the condition. Etiology and prevalence of the condition is implicated to people with particular genetic disorders like neurofibromatosis as well as klinefelter’s syndrome. Besides, it is prevalent in children with previous medical histories like prematurity, in-utero exposure to drugs, hydrocephalus, congenital illnesses as well as early neurological disorders like neonatal stroke. All the same, people with dyslexia possess none of the risk factors. It is also supposed to be genetic and those with the history of the condition are supposedly a 23-65 percent likelihood of having a child with dyslexia. However, 27 to 49 percent of children with dyslexia notably have a parent with the condition. Dyslexia prevalence in siblings of children with the condition is 40 percent having 84 to 100 percent concordance in monozygotic twins. All the same, genetic processes of the heritability are indicated as heterogeneous and complicated. Currently, research has indicated occurrence of genes liked with chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 15 as well as 18. (Gilman, 2007) Causes of Dyslexia Dyslexia could be caused by brain trauma in the part that regulates reading as well as writing but the condition is rare and this type is called trauma dyslexia. Injuries to the nervous system, which is meant to facilitate communication within the brain, could cause d yslexia. An injury could have resulted due to fever and concussion such that the brain fails to receive signals appropriately.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, another type is primary dyslexia that emanates from dysfunction or harm on the cerebral cortex which never modify with age (Richards, 1999). Students with this form of dyslexia discontinues with schooling due to learning difficulties. This form of dyslexia is genetic and occurs more in males as compared to females. Finally, another form of dyslexia is termed as secondary dyslexia. It is also referred as developmental dyslexia and emanates from abnormalities in hormonal growth in early fetal development. It however improves with age and occurs more in boys. Of importance, the Cerebella theory maintains that an impaired cerebellum could lead to dyslexia. The cerebrum facilitates motor regulation in speech expression. The theory infers that expression difficulties could lead to phonological processing difficulties, which are implicated with dyslexia. Cerebellum also affects the automatisation of leant actions that involves learning and reading (Swarbrick Marshall, 2004). Another theory implicates dyslexia with problems in language processing referred to as phonological model. It asserts that the condition emanates from problems failure to break words into language units referred to phonemes e.g. ‘Cat’ has 3 phonemes named kuh, aah tuh (Goldish, 2001). Additionally, poor hearing could cause children with dyslexia to have difficulties in sounding words. This could be attributed to hearing impairment in childhood. Characteristics of Dyslexia There are other learning disabilities linked with dyslexia which are associated with neurological causes. To start with, dysgraphia is one such condition that depicts itself mainly through typing or writing. It also sometimes affects the coordination of eyes and hands orientation in undertaking tasks like tying knots or undertaking repetitive activities. Dysgraphia in individuals with dyslexia is caused by a number of factors as a result of difficulties with writing letters with ease, finger-motor or der impairment, organizational and intricate complexity as well as impaired visual word structure that impair visual picture retrieval needed in wording and spelling. Additionally, Dyscalculia is another neurological impairment marked by having issues with fundamental sense of numerals and quantity hence problems in solving mathematics. However, they comprehend complex math although they experience problems in retrieval of fundamental facts that involves adding and subtracting. Attention Deficit Disorder is yet another condition notable in dyslexia. This is however yet to be established scientifically. Finally, Cluttering is notable in individual with dyslexia. It is impairment of speech fluency that regulates speech pace and rhythms hence affecting speech clearness (Swarbrick Marshall, 2004). Teaching Strategies of Dyslexia Phonemic awareness should be prioritized in managing symptoms of dyslexia. One word has to be taught while disintegrating it into its component phonemes. Phone me or grapheme correspondence, follows where students with dyslexia are given letters and are shown the way to integrate them into one syllable word. The students are then shown how to use the six syllables, which are present in English language. On becoming aware of every syllable they are presented with, they are able to recognize the sound associated with the vowel. Besides, on hearing a vowel sound, students are able to spell it in the correct way. The student is subsequently trained on probability and set of laws in accordance to the language taught. Finally, the student is guided on roots, affixes and morphology, for them to enrich their vocabulary and comprehension in spelling strange words (Hall et al., 1998). To teach these concepts, various strategies have to be employed. To start with, simultaneous multisensory directives are essential for individuals with dyslexia when they apply their entire senses in learning since they have enhanced potential in storage and retrieval of information. The student could see a letter, name, sound and write it. In addition, strong directives followed by sufficient practice would help students with dyslexia to improve their learning skills. The instructions should be direct and explicit since students with dyslexia have difficulties with written information and must be taught explicitly about the rules on written language each at a time, up to the point they become conversant with them to read and spell in order to get into the next rule (Hall et al., 1998). Another strategy should involve being systematic and cumulative since the students have difficulties with written language. Therefore, they have to be initiated with a solid base in teaching logic of language each at a time followed by practice, to fluently spell and read where they have to be reminded every time. This should be done logically from the beginning to the end. Significantly, the teaching should be synthetic as well as analytic in recognizing each let ter/sound and add them to give a word (synthesis). Besides, they should be analytic in the sense that they could split a long word into various parts. Finally, diagnostic teaching is essential for teachers to assess the student’ potential to perceive as well as apply regulations without blindly memorizing a pattern and incase there are difficulties, they have to be re-taught (Hall et al., 1998). Accommodations for students with dyslexia Oral testing where tests have to be read to individuals with dyslexia while they respond orally. Besides, untimed tests help them to enhance their performance. When they are timed and pressured, they fail to do well. They also consume much time in reading questions and composing answers in order to write them down. Teachers should therefore aim at minimizing spelling errors by carrying out spelling tests in tutoring class rather than that of the classroom. They should not oblige these students on loud oral reading in class. When it’s ne eded entirely, students should be given prior notice and the texts they are supposed to read for them to practice. They should also have less homework since they take more time to complete it as compared to other students. They should be graded by content and not penalized on handwriting or spelling since it would be unfair for them. Teachers should recognize dictated work and avoid the students with dyslexia from copying work. In addition, they could be given alternative assignments, which are not written e.g. video presentations and debates. Besides, essay tests have to be minimized and multiple choice questions could be included (Hall et al., 1998). References Gilman, S. (2007). Neurobiology of Disease. London: Academic Press. Goldish, M. (2001). Everything You Need to Know about Dyslexia. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group. Hall, S., Vail, P. and Lyon, R. (1998). Sharing the latest Research results with those who need to know. Bright Solutions for Dyslexia, Inc. Web. Leaner, J . Kline, F. (2006). Learning Disabilities and Related Disorders.10th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Richards, R. G. (1999). The Source for Dyslexia and Dysgraphia. Moline, IL: Lingui Systems Swarbrick, J. Marshall, A. (2004). The Everything Parents Guide To Children With Dyslexia: All You Need To Ensure Your Childs Success. Avon, MA: F + W Publications, Inc.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Descriptive Paper About the Eiffel Tower Essay Example

Descriptive Paper About the Eiffel Tower Essay Example Descriptive Paper About the Eiffel Tower Essay Descriptive Paper About the Eiffel Tower Essay I slowly lay back in the grass. The sight in front of me is too much to take in while standing. The wetness of the grass sends a chill running down my spine and along my arms. My sweatshirt cannot warm me from this chill tonight. It is the infamous chill that one receives when something really touches them. When you hear a story and it makes you happy or sad or when someone tells you that they love you. It is a meaningful chill, one you will never forget. All of the lights begin to dim and the people stroll quietly underneath her. She is so beautiful. I had seen pictures and read all about her. I never dreamt I would meet her face to face. I have to admit that I am nervous. What if I do not like her? What if I wish I were somewhere else? These thoughts run in and out of my mind as I lay there. Finally it is our turn to venture up into this great monument. Our decision to take the elevator is a wise one, though I would be taking the stairs when I went down. We pack into the elevator. â€Å"We’re as tight as sardines†, exclaims a really loud lady from the back of the pack. The stench of body odor is almost too overwhelming. The French do not see the need to bath as regularly as us Americans. So once I reach the top, and the doors open, it is a mad dash to the doors. The first one out can breathe all the fresh air. Let’s just say I tied for first. A slight welcoming breeze rustles my hair as my gaze wanders from side to side. Everything looks so small from up here. This huge vastness makes me feel but of a tiny existence. Her beauty brings a bit of rosiness to my cheeks. The moon now smiles down on me when only moments ago it was the sun. How long have I been up here? Is my group looking for me? These questions only visit my mind for a second or so then they are gone like the wind. Perhaps they are carried away by the same wind that so sweetly caresses my skin. I do not mind the occasional bump I receive from a random passerby. This sight is big enough to share with many people. I allow my mind to relax, and the many different languages flow fluently from the mouths of others. Of course I do not understand what they are saying, though it still brings a smile to my face. It almost seems like Dean Martin should be standing beside me, serenading the crowd with his warm Italian words. The shuffling of feet drowns out the voices from the crowd. It is like white noise all around me. I can hear the people but it eventually grows into nothing but a faint whisper. The honking of vehicles and the blaring of sirens seems a million miles away. It is only me, the Eiffel Tower, and the moon standing there. Nothing else matters at that moment. The sight is breathtaking. I drag my hand along the railing. The texture is cold and rough. Many hands have also been drug along this same railing. The feeling of cold metal upon my hand helps to keep me in reality, because at this moment in time it is so easily to just slip off into a dream land. I couldn’t take my eyes off of the sky and the ground. It was almost too much at once. My camera couldn’t take pictures fast enough and I was worried I would drop it too! Which it didn’t matter if I dropped the camera anyways, I could never forget this image. The flashing lights from the cameras should be blinding to me, but they only adds an emphasis to the scene. The flashes appear to be like stars dancing around the moon. The sky is not black tonight, but more like a navy blue. The moon is a deep yellow color. The two colors appear to be made for each other. Almost like one would not be without the other. I tear my eyes away from the view to acknowledge my surroundings for the first time in hours, so it seems. Actually when I look at my phone only ten minutes has passed by. There are several people surrounding me now. Most of them are reacting the same way I did. They are totally perplexed by the Eiffel Tower and her beauty. As I am looking amongst the crowd, one certain couple catches my eye. They are fairly young and I can tell how in love they are. They are definitely in the right place for a romantic night. I can tell from the look on the young man’s face that he seems a little nervous. Of course the young lady doesn’t notice his awkward look because she is too busy looking around. Before I know it the young man gets down on one knee and the girl turns around surprised. A proposal! I have heard of this before but never thought I would get to see someone proposed to on the Eiffel. This clearly was a night to remember. Unfortunately I run into my group leader and he informs me that it is time to leave. My heart drops to my feet. â€Å"But we have only been here twenty minutes,† I told him. He looks at his watch and replies back that we have indeed been there for more than two hours. How quickly the time has flown by! I pucker out my bottom lip and obediently follow my group as we head out. Reluctantly I must leave. This time I do take the stairs. With every step my sadness begins to grow. When will I be back? Will she still be here? These are now the questions that run through my head. The stairs continue to wind downward forever and ever, never seeming to end. Then I see the last stretch of stairway, I walk so slowly. â€Å"We just met,† I proclaim. There was so much I did not get to ask her. I hit the last stair and linger just a minute. Slowly I turn around to gaze at her one last time. With that one last gaze is a promise that I will indeed be back and she will indeed be there when I get back. Only this time I will get to ask her as many questions as I want. â€Å"I will come back,† I promised her.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Carl Sagan, Astronomer of the People

Biography of Carl Sagan, Astronomer of the People Astronomer and author Carl Sagan (November 9, 1934 - December 20, 1996) burst into public consciousness as the star and producer of the TV series Cosmos. He was a prolific researcher in astronomy  as well as a science popularizer who sought to educate the public about the universe and the value of the scientific method.   Early Years Born in Brooklyn, New York, Sagan grew up with a strong interest in the planets, stars, and science fiction. His father, Samuel Sagan, immigrated from what is now Ukraine and worked as a garment worker. His mother, Rachel Molly Gruber, encouraged his great interest in science. Sagan often cited his parents influence on his career, saying that his father influenced his imagination and his mother urged him to go to the library to find books about stars. Professional Life After graduating from high school in 1951, the young Sagan headed the University of Chicago for a degree in physics. At the University of Chicago, he took part in chemistry research about the building blocks of life. He went on to earn a Ph.D. in astronomy and astrophysics in 1960. Sagan left Illinois and began working at University of California - Berkeley, where he worked with a team to  build an instrument for a NASA mission to Mars called Mariner 2. In the 1960s, Sagan moved to Harvard University, where he worked at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. There, he focused his research more closely on planetary science, with a particular interest in Venus and Jupiter. Sagan later moved again to Cornell University, where he served as director of the Laboratory for Planetary Studies. Sagans work with NASA continued. He was a principal advisor for the Viking missions and worked on the landing site selection. He also was instrumental in a project to put messages from humanity aboard the Pioneer and Voyager probes to the outer solar system. In 1976, he became  the David Duncan Professor of Astronomy and Space Sciences, a chair he held until his death. Research Interests and Activism Throughout his career, Carl Sagan remained deeply interested in the possibility of life on other worlds.   Throughout his work with NASA and the U.S. space program, he tirelessly promoted the ideas behind the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, colloquially known as SETI. Sagan worked on  several collaborative experiments, which ultimately demonstrated that, when exposed to ultraviolet light, mixtures of amino acids and nucleic acids could be produced in  conditions much like those of early Earth. Carl Sagan conducted early research on climate change. One of his studies showed that the high temperatures on the surface of Venus could be attributed to a runaway greenhouse effect. Throughout his career, Sagan continued his scientific research, ultimately publishing more than 600 papers. Throughout his work, he advocated for scientific skepticism and healthy reasoning, promoting skepticism as an alternative to belief systems of politics and religion. Sagan was also  an anti-war activist. He  studied the potential impact of nuclear war and advocated for nuclear disarmament. Science as a Way of Thinking As an avid skeptic and agnostic, Sagan promoted the scientific method as a tool for better understanding the world. In his book  Demon-Haunted World, he laid out strategies for critical thinking, deconstructing arguments, and testing claims. Sagan published a number of other science books aimed at a lay audience, including The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence, and Brocas Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science.  Ã‚  Ã‚   In 1980, Carl Sagans:  Cosmos: A Personal Voyage premiered on television.  The premiere turned Sagan into a well-known science popularizer. The show was aimed at a general audience, with each  episode  focusing on a different aspect of scientific discovery or exploration.  Cosmos  received two Emmy Awards.   Later Years and Legacy In the 1990s, Carl Sagan was diagnosed with a blood condition called myelodysplasia. He received three bone marrow transplants and ongoing treatment, continuing to work on his research and writing even as the condition worsened. At age 62, Sagan died of pneumonia associated with his condition. Sagan left a long-lasting legacy in the fields of astronomy and science education. Several awards for science communication are named after Carl Sagan, included two given by the Planetary Society. The Mars Pathfinder location on Mars is named the Carl Sagan Memorial Station.   Carl Sagan Fast Facts Full Name: Carl Edward SaganKnown For: Astronomer, author, and science popularizer  Born: November 9, 1934 in Brooklyn, New York, USADied: December 20, 1996 in Seattle, Washington, USAEducation: University of Chicago (B.A., B.S., M.S., Ph.D.)Selected Works:  Cosmos: A Personal Journey,  Demon-Haunted World,  The Dragons of Eden,  Brocas BrainKey Accomplishments:  NASA Medal of Honor (1977), Emmy Award for Outstanding Personal Achievement (1981), authored 600 scientific papers and dozens of popular science articles and books.Spouse Name:  Lynn Margulis (1957-1965), Linda Salzman (1968-1981),  Ann Druyan (1981-1996)Childrens Names: Jeremy, Dorion, Nick, Alexandra, Samuel  Famous Quote: Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Sources and Further Reading Kragh, Helge. â€Å"Carl Sagan.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, Inc., 27 Oct. 2017,  Head, Tom. Conversations with Carl Sagan (Literary Conversations), University Press of MIssissippi, 2006.  Terzian, Yervant, and Elizabeth Bilson. Carl Sagans Universe. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

National News Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

National News - Essay Example The broadcast networks CBS, on the other hand, focus on the national consumers and therefore it broadcast national news. In this perspective, the first three news broadcasted in the two newscasts differs. The top stories from satellites news, MSNBC were the six theories, four words concerning the Malaysia is missing jet, Biden’s Europe trip in an attempt to find a solution for Ukraine crisis, and 10 years imprisonment of TV pitchman, Kelvin Trudeau. The broadcast networks CBS top news was the new findings from the Malaysian missing jet, the claims made by antitrust suit that the NCAA is unlawful cartel and the arrest of Calif. Man in subway-bombing terrorist plot. Although the two broadcasts differ in terms of news transmission, the first top story, the Malaysian jet misery, was similar. However, information and focus on news broadcasted differs. CBS News attempted to examine the recent report of the misery while MSNBC explains the current situation and efforts of the authorit ies concerned (Orlik, 2014). The two news-casting stations differ in terms of the time the news is aired. The time the newscaster takes, depends on the strict regulations of the company and the authorities concerned. MSNBC utilized a lot of time in explaining the situation of Malaysia missing jet and time it takes to cast videos to accentuate and authenticate the information provided by the news anchor. The broadcast utilizes prolonged videos and explanations on various issues anchored. In addition, the broadcast provides additional information based on issues anchored outside the report recorded in the field to increase viewer understanding of the issues. In this perspective, the broadcast explains causal factor of Ukraine crisis and underlying factors that lead to imprisonment of the TV pitchman (Murray, 2014). On the other hand, CBS News also took time since the news anchor took time in explaining the situations that lead to the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Development of the EU Commission Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Development of the EU Commission - Essay Example The EU operates through a system of supranational independence institutions and intergovernmental negotiated decisions by the member states. The main institutions of EU include the European Union Council, the European Council, the Court of Justice of the EU, the European Commission, and the European Central Bank1. It has a parliament named European Parliament, elected every five years by the EU citizens. The European Commission is the EU’s supervisory body; responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the union’s treaties, and the general daily running of the union. It operates as a cabinet government, which has 27 members of the Commission. Each member state has one member, and they are bound to represent EU’s interests as a whole, but not their home state. The 27 members elect the Commission President as proposed by the European Council and elected by the European Parliament. The Council in agreement with the nominated president appo ints the 26 members of the Commission, and then the European government approves the full Commission. The EU Council The EU Council is a body comprising of the heads of state of the EU member states, President of the European Council as well as the European Commission’s President. The High Representative for Foreign Affairs also takes part in the Council’s meetings. ... It became an informal body in 1975 and an official EU institution in 2009 after the enforcement of the Treaty of Lisbon. The European Parliament The European Parliament is a parliamentary institution of the European Union elected directly. It exercises the legislative function of the EU together with the Council of the European Union and the Commission. It is one of the most powerful legislatures in the world. It has 754 members serving the world’s largest democratic electorate in the world, second only to India. It is also the world’s greatest international democratic electorate. The universal suffrage directly elects the European Parliament since 1979. The parliament has legislative power that such body does not possess it because it has no legislative initiative as most state parliaments within the Union2. It is the first institution of the EU that has ceremonial precedence in Europe. It shares equal budgetary and legislative powers with the Council, and enjoys equal control over the EU budget. The European Commission and the executive body of the EU are accountable to Parliament because it elects the Commission’s President and staffs the whole Commission. It has the mandate to censure the body thereby forcing its resignation. Powers of the EU Institutions The European Union Commission The European Union Commission holds significant powers in ensuring proper implementation of the treaties. These powers include the mandate to recognize breaches of the EC laws, which is Article 284. The powers given to the Commission are remarkable and it encounters challenges considering that it has to work through the Member States agencies that at times violate the EC laws. However, the Commission has

Marketing Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Management - Case Study Example Xstrata is an internationally renowned mining company with its headquarters at Zug in Switzerland. It is world's fourth largest producer of copper. Xstrata is a member FTSE 100 Index and listed on both the London Stock Exchange and the SWX Swiss Exchange. Glencore is a 40 percent stakeholder of Xstrata. It started operation in the year 1926 as an infrastructure and electricity projects concern in the land of Latin America. In the beginning of its life span, it diversified into mining and disposed of its non-core business. In the recent past, Xstrata doubled in size after the takeover of Australian copper, zinc and coal miner MIM Holdings. However it lost to the world's biggest mining company, BHP Billiton in a bid for another Australian miner, WMC Resources. In the year 2005, Xstrata acquired 19.9 percent stake in a diversified Canadian mining company producing copper, nickel, aluminum and zinc called Falconbridge Limited. Later in 2006 it purchased the remaining 80 percent of Falcon bridge. The last year Xstrata Coal, based in Sydney successfully acquired Anvil Hill Coal Mine from Centennial Coal Company. At present Xstrata caters to seven major international markets viz., copper, coking, coal, thermal coal, ferrochrome, cooking coal, thermal coal, nickel, vanadium and zinc. It has also ventured into the platinum group metals business and other more popular metals like gold, silver, cobalt and lead. (Xstrata plc, 2008 A) Xstrata s3. Product/company audit: 3.1. Mission Statement, values and beliefs Xstrata strives to grow and further diversify its portfolio of metals and mining businesses. Xstrata values its each and every stakeholder be it shareholders and employees or customers and vendors. It aims at delivering industry-leading returns to its shareholders, better work environment and incentives to its employees, superior product and efficient service to its customers and genuine partnership with vendors and other stakeholders. For a long-term viability it is extremely crucial for organisations to encourage integrity, co-operation and transparency in work. Business ethics both on a macro and micro level is important to restore the health of the organisation and its employees. Value creation takes place only when all the individuals of an organisation work together towards a common goal. As a corporate mission Xstrata endeavor to grow and create value over the long term by operating in an ethical and transparent way. Among the many strategic objectives, the most important and crucial ones for Xstrata can be identified as: Managing a striking portfolio of assets. Keeping an unwavering focus on growth of the organisation by timely identification of opportunities for value creation. Like any other company, finance plays a very important role in Strata's future growth and expansion plans. Thus as a strategic step they maintain and enhance their financial strength and discipline with

Humanities Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Humanities Class - Essay Example In his work, Rousseau holds that the social interactions of individuals with each other are the root cause of all the wrongs happenings in the world and all the elements of corrupt individuals. He believed that when people are born, they are very free in state, their minds are not corrupted and they are pure as created by God. At that moment of time, the humans possess sense of love which is pure valuing someone’s existence in the world (Kant 1781). The individuals therefore hold a sense of harmony about themselves and those around them. But he adds that once humans become integrated with the social settings of the world like property ownership and interdependence, there is where unhealthy happenings occur in societies. It is where the sense of love disappears. He connects these unhealthy behaviours to the competition for resources and antagonism in the world among people. The following illustration outlines how cruelty originates from societal interactions (Hogarth 1751). In the text book, Rousseau believed that â€Å"human were originally pure and morally good in the eyes of others and originator† (Text book pg. 132). Humans lived together in a society that acted as a single large family where everyone loved and cared for one another. If one family lacked some basic need, the family could easily obtain it from the other family who had, they had shared responsibility. People grew together and lived together in harmony and mutual coexistence existed among them. They carried out their activities in unison (Hogarth 1751). There was division of responsibility where women became more sedentary and accustomed themselves to looking after the children while men went out to seek their common subsistence. The two sexes lived softer lives but unfortunately, the single individuals couldn’t fight the common enemy; the wild beasts. This therefore led to the grouping of the families

Thursday, October 17, 2019

CBI and QNB Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

CBI and QNB - Assignment Example This assignment also highlights the implemented strategy that may increase its portfolio and reputation in their respective markets as compared to others. Furthermore, the implemented strategy will also be evaluated so as to analyze its effectiveness and to recommend the most effective strategy is also for the organizations. The Commercial Bank International (CBI) of United Arab Emirates is a one of the budding commercial bank of United Arab Emirates. It is one of the reputed local brands established in the year 1991 offering a wide range of financial benefits such as auto loans, vehicle loans, credit cards enhancements and many more to its customers. This helped the organization to improve its market share and demand in the market of United Arab Emirates as compared to many other rival contenders. In-spite of being a public share holding company, it enhanced its reliability and loyalty within the minds of the local customers for its value-added services. The organization always tries to offer high valued products to its customers so as to improve their commitment and reliability. This is done in order to increase the sustainability and relationship with the customers that may amplify its brand value and profitability (Commercial Bank International, 2014). Similarly, Qatar National Bank (QNB) is established in the year 1964 as one of the first owned commercial bank of Middle East. It mainly offers a wide range of investment banking value-added services to its corporate and institutional clients with the help of its subsidiaries. This helped the organizations to expand it-self in numerous locations that amplified its dependency and reputations as compared to others (Qatar National Bank, 2014). The mission of Commercial Bank International (CBI) is to offer highly value-added and simple products and services to its target

Social Networking Sites and its Effect on Friending Research Paper

Social Networking Sites and its Effect on Friending - Research Paper Example It is also a source of emotional support especially during the events of emotional trials. Friends are also the people needed in times of problems aside from parents and relatives. However, due to the evolution of social media in making friends, the definition of friends has changed and a different meaning had been acquired. Social network sites (SNSs) have many advantages to on line users. For job application or work related issues you can use When people are looking for people with common interest certain social networks such as comes to mind. People who are looking for possible partner or wanted to start a relationship can log-in to For college students for example, social sites such as are used to connect to peers or share school lessons and activities and can also be used to answer queries (Ellison et al., 1143). Social network sites (SNSs) provide an easier approach to different reasons, a cheaper version where a good intern et connection and a device or a gadget i.e. personal computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet or a notebook are needed. One can gain access to all of these sites wherever and in anytime of the day. A person can also log in on the different sites all at once and multi-task. It provides countless unimaginable opportunities to users such as finding long lost friends and childhood friends who had not been seen in years. Other scenarios are finding the right partner, finding a better job and so on. It makes the process of making friends easier and faster by sending a request and accepting it just by clicking the accept button. It is a no fuss activity and one can know more about the person connected with by visiting his page and reading its contents such as recent activities, likes, dislikes, pictures posted aside from personal information. It also provides a wider range of network consisting of different people with different degree of physical interaction in one’s day to day life. Facebook which is established in 2004 in Harvard University and made 200 users worldwide as of 2009 has provide a strong link with users’ high school friends that they left behind due to studying college in other places (Lewis J., West A. 1148). It also provided information on the up to date information of the makers and their friends’ lives. In every new technology discovered, there are always few drawbacks that arise and one of them is giving the word friends a different meaning and context. It also provides a new range or levels of friends when it comes to social network sites. One of the drawbacks of using these media is that they provide new sense to the word friendship with other people. They provide less interaction with them and a shallow definition of it. According to Allan (1989) as cited by Lewis & West (2009) in real life, there are different sorts of friends; those who are close and those are merely acquaintances. Always acquaintances are grater in number in your friends’ list than your close friends. These acquaintances are people one bump into everyday without having a conversation with each other, a classmate in one of your classes, a group mate in a project and anyone else where a person does not have a significant interaction and does not provide a sense of commitment and emotional support. Boyd (2006) as cited by Lewis & West (2009 1211), assessment of this relationship has no weight as well as what

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Humanities Class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Humanities Class - Essay Example In his work, Rousseau holds that the social interactions of individuals with each other are the root cause of all the wrongs happenings in the world and all the elements of corrupt individuals. He believed that when people are born, they are very free in state, their minds are not corrupted and they are pure as created by God. At that moment of time, the humans possess sense of love which is pure valuing someone’s existence in the world (Kant 1781). The individuals therefore hold a sense of harmony about themselves and those around them. But he adds that once humans become integrated with the social settings of the world like property ownership and interdependence, there is where unhealthy happenings occur in societies. It is where the sense of love disappears. He connects these unhealthy behaviours to the competition for resources and antagonism in the world among people. The following illustration outlines how cruelty originates from societal interactions (Hogarth 1751). In the text book, Rousseau believed that â€Å"human were originally pure and morally good in the eyes of others and originator† (Text book pg. 132). Humans lived together in a society that acted as a single large family where everyone loved and cared for one another. If one family lacked some basic need, the family could easily obtain it from the other family who had, they had shared responsibility. People grew together and lived together in harmony and mutual coexistence existed among them. They carried out their activities in unison (Hogarth 1751). There was division of responsibility where women became more sedentary and accustomed themselves to looking after the children while men went out to seek their common subsistence. The two sexes lived softer lives but unfortunately, the single individuals couldn’t fight the common enemy; the wild beasts. This therefore led to the grouping of the families

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Social Networking Sites and its Effect on Friending Research Paper

Social Networking Sites and its Effect on Friending - Research Paper Example It is also a source of emotional support especially during the events of emotional trials. Friends are also the people needed in times of problems aside from parents and relatives. However, due to the evolution of social media in making friends, the definition of friends has changed and a different meaning had been acquired. Social network sites (SNSs) have many advantages to on line users. For job application or work related issues you can use When people are looking for people with common interest certain social networks such as comes to mind. People who are looking for possible partner or wanted to start a relationship can log-in to For college students for example, social sites such as are used to connect to peers or share school lessons and activities and can also be used to answer queries (Ellison et al., 1143). Social network sites (SNSs) provide an easier approach to different reasons, a cheaper version where a good intern et connection and a device or a gadget i.e. personal computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet or a notebook are needed. One can gain access to all of these sites wherever and in anytime of the day. A person can also log in on the different sites all at once and multi-task. It provides countless unimaginable opportunities to users such as finding long lost friends and childhood friends who had not been seen in years. Other scenarios are finding the right partner, finding a better job and so on. It makes the process of making friends easier and faster by sending a request and accepting it just by clicking the accept button. It is a no fuss activity and one can know more about the person connected with by visiting his page and reading its contents such as recent activities, likes, dislikes, pictures posted aside from personal information. It also provides a wider range of network consisting of different people with different degree of physical interaction in one’s day to day life. Facebook which is established in 2004 in Harvard University and made 200 users worldwide as of 2009 has provide a strong link with users’ high school friends that they left behind due to studying college in other places (Lewis J., West A. 1148). It also provided information on the up to date information of the makers and their friends’ lives. In every new technology discovered, there are always few drawbacks that arise and one of them is giving the word friends a different meaning and context. It also provides a new range or levels of friends when it comes to social network sites. One of the drawbacks of using these media is that they provide new sense to the word friendship with other people. They provide less interaction with them and a shallow definition of it. According to Allan (1989) as cited by Lewis & West (2009) in real life, there are different sorts of friends; those who are close and those are merely acquaintances. Always acquaintances are grater in number in your friends’ list than your close friends. These acquaintances are people one bump into everyday without having a conversation with each other, a classmate in one of your classes, a group mate in a project and anyone else where a person does not have a significant interaction and does not provide a sense of commitment and emotional support. Boyd (2006) as cited by Lewis & West (2009 1211), assessment of this relationship has no weight as well as what

Duke Ellington Essay Example for Free

Duke Ellington Essay One of the greatest jazz bandleaders, arrangers, recording artist, and composers of all time is none other than Duke Ellington. Born on April 29, 1899 in Washington, D.C., Ellington was destined for musical talent. His family was musically talented; both of his parents could play piano even though neither could read music. Ellington did not grow up in a poor family; and he had educational advantages that many black musicians in his time didn’t have. He received the nickname â€Å"Duke† from a fellow classmate, because of his elegant way of dressing and his regal behavior. While in school elementary school, he received piano lessons, and by the time he reached high school, he was already performing locally. He was also a fairly good painter and won a scholarship to the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York. But his art career was overshadowed by his love for music. Music won his heart, so art wasn’t in the picture. At the age of 17, he wrote his first song, â€Å"The Soda Fountain Rag†, which was his debut. In 1919, Ellington’s son Mercer was born. With encouragement from Fats Waller, Duke moved to New York with his newly formed group, The Washingtonians. He later formed the Duke Ellington Orchestra, which by 1930 had grown to include 12 musicians. During these early years in New York, Ellington developed skills that he would carry throughout his entire career. He evolved from band member to leader and performed in a variety of clubs. His writing and arranging skills also evolved and became more defined. These new skills would be his unique compositional style. Some of Ellington’s new influences were stride piano players like Willie â€Å"The Lion† Smith and James P. Johnson and ragtime piano players. One of the best career moves made by Ellington was his booking at The Cotton Club in Harlem, New York. His band was established house performers there from 1927 to 1932. Ellington’s influence on the jazz community was definite from that point on. Radio broadcasts from the club made Ellington famous across America and also gave him the financial security to assemble a top notch band that he could write music specifically for. Musicians tended to stay with the band for long periods of time. For example, saxophone player Harry Carney would remain with Duke nonstop from 1927 to Ellingtons death in 1974. In 1928 clarinetist Barney Bigard left King Oliver and joined the band. Ellington and Bigard would later co-write one of the orchestras signature pieces Mood Indigo in 1930. In 1929 Bubber Miley, was fired from the band because of his alcoholism and replaced with Cootie Williams. Ellington also appeared in his first film Black and Tan later that year. The Duke Ellington Orchestra left the Cotton Club in 1931 (although he would return on an occasional basis throughout the rest of the Thirties) and toured the U.S. and Europe. During Duke Ellington’s tenure at the Cotton Club, he had gone from an aspiring New York bandleader to a leading figure in the world of jazz. He had become well known far beyond New York. Along with the Cotton Club reviews, he had made many records, radio broadcasts, special performances, and even film appearances. He officially had a national following, and he needed to create new music that would address both his national and international audiences. Ellington was set to accomplish new things in the world of jazz. Ellington’s band was ahead of their time style wise, and they could really swing. Ellingtons first great achievements came in the three-minute song form, and he later wrote music for all kinds of settings: the ballroom, the comedy stage, the nightclub, the movie house, the theater, the concert hall, and the cathedral. Ellington’s different music styles became more pronounced and recognizable.His first style was his jungle style, which included much growling on the instruments. This style was built around the raucous playing of Bubber Miley, Cootie Williams, and Tricky Sam Nanton. The song East St. Louis Toodle-Oo is a good example of this style of playing. The floor shows were elaborately designed around the music the band played. His next style was his mood style, is known for his exquisitely beautiful ballads played by saxophonist Johnny Hodges. Some of his most known mood style selections are â€Å"Solitude†, â€Å"Prelude to a Kiss†, and â€Å"Lotus B lossom†. Another style is his concerto style, in which he featured Cootie Williams, Jimmy Hamilton, and Barney Bigard. By the early 1940s, Ellington experimented with extended composition and his orchestra toured the US and Europe extensively. In 1943, Ellington inaugurated a series of annual concerts at Carnegie Hall with the premiere of Black, Brown, and Beige. He continued to expand the scope of his compositions and activities as a bandleader throughout his life. His foreign tours became increasingly frequent and successful; his travel experiences served as the inspiration for his many works about people, places and trains. He wrote nearly two thousand compositions before his death in 1974. His fourth style was his standard style, where he approached his arrangements in the same manner as the other big bands. He also had a dance style that kind of coincided with his jungle style. Unlike many of their contemporaries, the Ellington Orchestra was able to make the change from the Hot Jazz of the 1920s to the Swing music of the 1930s. The song It Dont Mean a Thing (If It Aint Got That Swing) even came to define the era. This ability to adapt and grow with the times kept the Ellington Orchestra a major force in Jazz up until Dukes death in the 1970s. Throughout the Forties and Fifties Ellingtons fame and influence continued to grow. The band continued to produce Jazz standards like Take the A Train, Perdido, The C Jam Blues and Satin Doll. In the 1960s Duke wrote several religious pieces, and composed The Far East Suite. He also collaborated with a very diverse group of musicians whose styles spanned the history of Jazz. He played in a trio with Charles Mingus and Max Roach, sat in with both the Louis Armstrong All-Stars and the John Coltrane Quartet, and he had a double big-band date with Count Basie. Duke Ellington influenced millions of people both around the world and at home. He gave American music its own sound for the first time. In his fifty year career, he played over 20,000 performances in Europe, Latin America, the Middle East as well as Asia. The extent of Ellingtons innovations helped to redefine the various forms in which he worked. Duke Ellington was awarded the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 1966. He was later awarded several other prizes, along with 13 Grammys, the Pulitzer Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1969, and the Legion of Honor by France in 1973, the highest civilian honors in each country. Simply put, Ellington transcends boundaries and fills the world with a treasure trove of music that renews itself through every generation of fans and music-lovers. His legacy continues to live on and will endure for generations to come. His son Mercer Ellington took over his band after his death, and his grandson Paul Ellington is over the Ellington Estate now. The Ellington Fund helps to fund the Ellington School of Arts where students are inspired to achieve their highest musical capabilities. Duke Ellington is truly a classic indeed. CITED PAGE\ellington\duke.html The Biographical Dictionary of African Americans

Monday, October 14, 2019

Industrial Air Pollution In Trinidad And Tobago Environmental Sciences Essay

Industrial Air Pollution In Trinidad And Tobago Environmental Sciences Essay The contamination of the atmosphere by any toxic or radioactive gases and particulate matter as a result of human activity defines air pollution. (EMA State of the Environment Report 2000) Over the years Trinidad and Tobago has focus on industrialization developing several industrial estates but greater focus was made to the energy sectors. They current have three major energy based industrial sites. The Point Lisas industrial estate, Point a Pierre petroleum refinery and Liquefied Natural Gas plant (LNG) located in Point Fortin. Trinidad and Tobago is considered to be one of the most industrialized countries in the Commonwealth Caribbean region. We have been blessed with a vast array of natural resources ranging from oil, natural gas and asphalt to manufactured petrochemicals. Despite the fact that oil production and refining is one of our main industry, petrochemicals and to a lesser extent steel plays great importance in the company economic growth. Trinidad Tobago is worlds leading exporter of both methanol and ammonia, currently they supply the largest source of LNG is exported to the United States. Early views and realization of Air Pollution To the general public air pollution was considered to be chemical emissions and that suspension and secondary pollutants will just dissipate with the aid of the wind and rain. As the country moves into a second wave of industrialization with several proposed plans of building the next economic hotspot in the Caribbean (Invest in TT Downstream Energy), concerns has been made toward the quality of air what we live and breathe. It was only years later when technology began to play an important part in analyzing pollutants and air quality that it was realized that air pollution was just as important as water pollution. The industrial sector in Trinidad Tobago is one of the most dynamitic in the Caribbean and this is reflected in the diverse nature of its pollutants. Table 1 illustrates the numerous industry classes, commodities produced, production process and resulting in air pollutants. Map 1: Existing Proposed Energy Base Industrial Estates in Trinidad Table 1: Industry in Trinidad Tobago and air emission they emit INDUSTRY PRODUCTS SOURCES AIR POLLUTANT Petrochemical Menthol, ammonia, urea, ethanol, liquefied natural gas Fossil fuel processing, industrial processes Carbon Dioxide, Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, Carbon Monoxide Manufacturing Metals, cements, consumer products Manufacturing and extraction process, stock piling of raw materials, fossil fuel burning Carbon Dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter PM (soot, dust, asbestos fibers, pesticides and metals). Volatile Organic Carbon (VOC) Transportation vehicles Incomplete combustion Carbon Monoxide, particulate matter Petroleum Refineries Refined oil, oil base products and sulfur /acids production Fossil fuel burning, extraction process, transportation process, storage process, Carbon Dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, particulate matter (soot, dust, asbestos fibers, pesticides and metals) Agriculture Animal waste, plant waste Animal waste disposal/processing, rice paddies and wetlands, plant metabolism, land clearing Methane, Carbon monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, particulate matter (dust), VOC Electrical Power generation Electricity Fossil fuel burning, Particulate matters, Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, VOC Mining Quarrying Aggregate Blasting, mining, washing, extraction process Suspended Particulates Matters (SPM); Total suspended particles (TSP); Particulate matters. Wholesale and Retail All consumer products Service station operations, truck filling stations VOC Locations of Main Industrial Sectors With industrialization comes a need for people to benefit with the high level of employment in these areas. The demographic transition cycle in Trinidad and Tobago is fairly predictive with many of the populated areas following the same paths along the industrialized map. (Map 2)In the initial stages of industrial development focus was made on establishing industries in sparsely populated areas. The intention was also to take advantage of the favorable wind direction which would direct most of the air pollutant west ward over (for the most part) approximately 5 miles of uninhabited land space and then to the Gulf, with the intension that the vegetation would be affected in a minor way during the dry season and would be assisted by run off during the rainy season. This idea inadvertently leads to another pollution problem. This proved to be a short term imitative, as these areas soon became an attractive alternative to the long commute thus encouraging the establishment of make- shift villages and shanty towns. This was also fueled by the fact that the southern and eastern main road were in close proximity to these estates. Over time these villages soon became establish resistances acquiring basic utilities and official mailing addresses. The industries were now faced with a new obstacle. They now had to focus their attention to both the environment and the neighboring population. Table 2 identifies the main industrial pollutants found in Trinidad and Tobago and its effects on both the environment and humans. Map 2: Industries and major roadways Table 2: Main Industrial Pollutants and their Adverse Health and Environment Effects POLLUTANT EFFECTS ON HUMANS EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT Carbon Monoxide- CO It is absorbed through the lungs reducing the bloods capacity to transport available oxygen to the tissues. Depending on the exposure level it produces flu like symptoms usually not recognized and may results in death There is minimum effect on the environment. Sulphur Dioxides SO2 Depending on the exposure level it can cause: cause wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath, respiratory illness, alterations in the lungs, it aggravates existing cardiovascular disease. When SO2 combines with water, it forms sulfuric acid, which is the main component of acid rain. When acid rain falls it can cause deforestation, acidify waterways to the detriment of aquatic life. It also corrodes building materials. Acid rain changes the physical appearance of vegetation plants metabolism impaired Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)/Oxides of Nitrogen NOx At low levels it has minimum or no effects on human health. However high levels NO2 can cause respiratory problem, increase a persons susceptibility to, and severity of infections and asthma. It can also affect the sensory system. It is harmful to vegetation, can fade and discolor fabrics, reduce visibility. Vegetation exposure to high levels of NOx can be identified by damage to foliage, decreased growth or reduced crop yield. Volatile Organic Carbon -VOC There are no general health effects of VOC because other gases make up VOCs however some gases may be toxic and/or carcinogen. Levels of exposure and time exposed can cause damage to the liver, kidney and central nervous system. It is known to cause cancer in animals. Suspended Particulates Matters (SPM); Total suspended particles (TSP); Particulate matters. Health effects on SPM in humans depend on the particle size and concentration can cause long term exposure increases the rates of respiratory illness and symptoms. Particulates can accelerate deterioration of surface and material. It has the potential to cause modification of the climate and contributes to acid deposition. Control Strategies Physical, Managerial and Legislative to Air Pollution The visionaries of the early industries focus little on health safety and the environment and this was reflected in the level of controls initiated by the industries. Controls were mainly one dimensional and fail to focus on the holistic views of health safety and environment. Public opinion and outburst resulting from the increasing number of medical complaints and the decrease quality of agriculture produce with allegations pointing towards the emission from these industries, prompted management to use technology to assist in the establishment of more stringent controls. This technology was also instrumental in pinpointing the actual adverse effects as a result of these emissions. Physical Controls The physical control represents the processes responsible for acquisition of raw material, storage, manufacturing and distribution processes. Use of Suppression Techniques The numerous pollutants that emit daily, through smokestacks petrochemical and petroleum industries together with major health effects, force industries to reduce the pollutant at the source. One of the proven ways of reducing these pollutants is installing scrubbers and in other cases bagging houses in the emission system. The use of end -of- pipe technology is being adapted by some industries, it is used to remove already formed contaminants in the air however it is proven to be very expensive and many industries internationally would rather pay the fines for higher emission levels than use this technique. In other words it is regarded as the less of two evils. These techniques force industries to adopt generic prevention strategies and solutions, only resorting to the more expensive techniques when face with dire consequences. Environmental Friendly Process With increasing pressure from environmental activists calling for industries to be more sensitive towards the environment, many industries have restructured their processes whereby recycling waste material as a new raw material to produce a second product. This process has been adapted by Methanol Holding Trinidad Limited (MHTL) were they have constructed an AUM plant. This plant is the first of its kind in Trinidad and Tobago being the most environmental friendly of the MHTL family. This plant comprises a diversified petrochemical complex to manufacture Urea Ammonia Nitrate (UAN) and Melamine using feedstock from integrated urea and ammonia plants. (MHTL) The local cement factory adopted several controls strategies to deal with the air pollution problem within its manufacturing process. A change from blasting to stripping of the main raw material (limestone) aided in the reduction of dust emissions that was affecting the neighboring community at their quarrying central Trinidad. The transportation of the limestone was also change from dry to wet thus also reducing the potential dust particles entering the atmosphere during transportation from quarrying to the process plant. At the out skirts of the processing plant itself major landscaping was done to create hills around the factory adorned by buffer trees with sole intension is to reduce the level of dust exposure to the neighboring community. Managerial Controls Self Regulation These controls consist of policies, systems and standards that govern and manage the organization. The establishments of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) help management keep focus in order to sustain established targets. Company policies and procedures acts as guidelines to maintain order and structure within the organization. The introduction of ISO standards advertises the companys procedures to the industrial world thus ensuring that whatever measures initially introduced are sustained by the certification audits conducted annually by an international process auditors. Legislative Controls Currently in TT there is no legislation that refers directly to controlling of air pollutant emitted by industries. This is merely due to the fact that early monitoring system generally focus on water and land pollution the understanding of air pollution did not produce tangible evident because of technological short falls. The existing legislation addresses non specific air pollutants like the Petroleum Act (rev. 1980) section 29 (1) (j) prevention of air pollution and the Public health ordinance (1950), section 70 (1) (m) prohibits blacks smoke from chimneys. Even though the EMA was establish and is the countrys sole environmental body responsible for managing, regulating and coordinating environmental matters. The EMA has only managed to draft the Air Pollution Rules 2001 however to date 2010 these rules have not been made law. Trinidad and Tobago being a member of the Commonwealth and the United Nations has benefited from the research and technological advancement from these more developed countries (MDC). Initiatives such as the Montreal Protocol (1989 the control of CFCs) and the Kyoto Protocol (1997 the reduction of Greenhouse Gases) assisted the legislative process of TT by association. The only way legislative was establish was by piggy backing on the achievement of the more developed countries it seems that this was the only way the law maker could have had any impact on defaulters of air pollution in Trinidad. Only when legislation is pass the country can benefit from some effective control measures where polluters are prosecuted and emission limits are set for all industries. Conclusion Trinidad and Tobago historically is a nation of followers there have been very few instances where we were not promoted or assisted in some way or the other in achieving established goals and the topic of pollution is no exception. Have we ever wonder why the one establish air pollution laws stems from a diplomatic relations within the commonwealth and the United Nations or why we had to wait until the advent of OSHA to enforce existing safety laws in our country. The answer is simple we are still waiting to follow no wonder legislation spear headed by locals are treated with scan courtesy. Had these laws been establish in some first world convention they would have been rooted in the seams of our judicial system years ago? Many of the existing pollution laws governing the more develop countries were mainly as a result of international pressure, sadly Trinidad and Tobago is not view as a major polluting nation because of its geographical location and size. Evidence of pollution aware ness is mainly seen in the new establish manufacturing countries whose parent companies originate overseas. It is only amongst of fellow less develops countries and Caribbean members that Trinidad and Tobago is recognize as a polluting nation sadly these countries have little impact on global view. Despite our shortcomings, internally there has been an intensified effort to effectively monitor record, control and enforce pollution reducing systems and strategies. Internationally the over site of Trinidad and Tobago (a country that can easily fit into the Orinoco River with a population that barely exceeds large town in the United States) has not deterred local efforts to manage the levels of air emissions.